Links & Resources
Pursuit of Pollution Free Schools in Connecticut
Hartford Courant: Parents & Students Push Lawmakers for Clean Schools Bill
. . . Ten-year-old Laura Still faced a panel of state lawmakers and described the debilitating headaches she got as a third grader because of mold exposure in her school . . . (March 2003) More about students
CCM 2003 Testimony: Indoor Air Quality in Schools: An Act Concerning Indoor Environmental Quality in Schools (HB-6503)
The Connecticut Conference of Municipalities believes the best way to combat problems associated with indoor air quality in schools is through appropriate construction standards and adherence to maintenance standards and requirements. In some instances, an "emergency"-type response may be necessary to remediate a problem. In other cases, renovation or other physical changes may be needed to protect indoor air quality. . . Complete CCM Testimony (March 2003)
Connecticut Education Association: The personal cost of poor air quality
. . . the attention came too late. Eventually, parent pressure forced the Fairfield district to close McKinley permanently in October 2000. Unfortunately, the sicknesses spawned by the unhealthy school cannot be cured that easily.
More about McKinley school
CBS Evening News: Kids Getting Sick From School
. . . some 40 to 60 students and staff got sick from the mold. Two cases were serious enough to require hospitalization. . . more from CBS
National Education Association: Dream Jobs Turn to Nightmares
Connecticut NEA members tell lawmakers of the need for cleaner air in their schools. The goal: Pass tough indoor air quality legislation. More about dream jobs
Breaking the Mold on Air Quality
Members in Connecticut and across the U.S. attack indoor air quality problems through the EPA's Tools for Schools program. Read Breaking the Mold
Healthy Schools Network: Slimy Nuisances and Big Headaches
With schools in Illinois, Connecticut, New York State, Maine, Washington, New Jersey, and nearly every other state experiencing a rising number of health problems and lawsuits related to molds growing inside schools, organizations from across the country teamed up to promote a new guide Molds at School issued today by the Healthy Schools Network, Inc. (November 2002) More on headaches
EPA: Connecticut Law Tribune: Smart Kids in Sick Schools
. . . as Connecticut's students are rated the smartest in the nation and more of them are diagnosed with respiratory problems, proponents of the measure are vowing to make sure indoor air quality legislation passes next session. . . cite: by Andy Thibault, Law Tribune Contributing Writer (October 2002) More about Sick Schools
Statement of Joellen Lawson, Fairfield, CT: Green School Initiatives Congressional Testimony
. . . Mine is a cautionary tale that warns us of what can happen in the absence of enforceable air quality standards. My case demonstrates that there are not enough safeguards to guarantee teachers and students a safe and healthy environment to work in. . . . (October 2002) Read Joellen's statement cite:
Green Cleaning Guidelines
Green Cleaning: Healthier Cleaning & Maintenance Practices and Products for School from the Healthy Schools Network
Lawn Pesticide Fact Sheet
Green School Guidelines: from Antioch New England Institute (ANEI), a nonprofit consulting and community outreach arm of Antioch University New England.
The Green Squad: Teaches kids about the relationship between their schools and environmental and health issues. The site is designed primarily for students in fifth through eighth grade, but also offers information for younger and older students as well as parents and teachers.
National Clearinghouse on Educational Facilities: Sponsored by the US Department of Education. Building and taking care of school buildings and grounds is a BIG business.
4th Annual IAQ Tools for Schools (TfS) National Symposium: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will host its 4th Annual Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools National Symposium on October 26-28, 2003, at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Washington DC. Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools (IAQ TfS) is a nationwide initiative to help school officials assess, resolve, and prevent indoor air quality problems, and reduce exposure to asthma triggers in school facilities. cite:
Testimony before the Senate: Hearing on High-Performance Schools [pdf]
. . . a quick overview of what a high-performance school is, address the benefits of these schools, describe a few examples . . . Alex Wilson, President, BuildingGreen, Inc (October 2002) Read the overview. cite:
Healthy Schools Campaign:
The school environment has dramatic affects on the way children learn, and life long habits that they develop. The Campaign is committed to work in Illinois communities to better understand the connection between environment, health and learning in schools. cite:
Yellow Canary: Sustainable Living. Information on causes & cures for unhealthy indoor air, resources for building "green", Multiply Chemical Sensitivity, living without toxins in home and toxic-free travel resources. cite:
